Thursday, January 13, 2011

London A Cappella Festival 2011

Awww!! London A Cappella Festival just started last night! From 12-15 Jan 2011, A Cappella fans in UK will be indulged with lots performances, workshops, and competitions.

Please tell me why most of A Cappella Festival occurred in Europe and USA? Why it has to be sooo far away from my place now? And why I don't have that much money to go there (AND SO DAMN DIFFICULT TO GET VISA)? These all rhetoric questions though, no need to answer it ;)

One of my 1000 things to do before I die: attend an a cappella festival in Europe/USA.

Tukang Oceh. Off

Sing Off Finale

A very late The Sing Off Finale video-random comment post. Yes, I'm using english is this post for the sake of.... IDK. I just feel like using english lol Please bear in mind that I always got comment "PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR GRAMMAR" in ALL my essays, and this blog post is not an exception.

Sing Off already ended a month ago. Jerry Lawson and Talk of the Town, The Backbeats, Street Corner Symphony, and Committed, all the finalist performed brilliantly and I really think all of them deserved to be on the final.

The final four had to perform two songs (I think, since I only watched from youtube). In the first round, they had to collaborate with one of the judges and guest star. The final two position was held by Committed and Street Corner Symphony. They had to sing a song of hope.

In the final, Committed collaborated with Boyz II Men and sang  motownphilly. For me, a dream comes true to see Boyz II Men performed with a bass line again. Nine amazing voices sing together, it's surely an amazing performance. Since it's Boyz II Men, of course we were indulged by very smooth ornament in the melody <3

For their solo performance, they sang Hold My Hand. Some people doesn't really like this performance and believe Street Corner Symphony should be the winner. My thought, Hold My Hand is not their best performance, but this performance can touch my heart deeply. Music is not only about notes or words, it's about how we communicate the message to others. Committed did very good job in this field.

Street Corner Symphony performed with Ben Folds for the collaboration and sang Gone. A little bland in the beginning, but getting more momentum towards the end. I love their stage performance with some theatrical effect. Not too much, but effective :) I think that's what made this performance highly enjoyable.

For the hope song, they sang Fix You by Coldplay. A very moving and harmonically beautiful performance. Like always, they always have clean performance, all the harmony sang in pitch, and we can hear all the harmony clearly. In my opinion, SCS has the best vocal blend from all The Sing Off contestants.

For the guest star collaboration, both SCS and Committed collaborated with Neil Diamond singing Ain't No Sunshine. Wow, my big thumb up for the sound engineer. That's such a big number of microphone! (not as much as Jerry Lawson And TOTT - The Backbeats - Sherryl Crow collab though)

Sorry, my slow internet connection made me only wrote about the top two. Patience is really not my virtue.The winner, like we all already predicted since the beginning of the show, is Committed. Yay, congratulations for them! Like what I've said in twitter, music knows no barrier. No matter what's your background, every body is connected through music. I'm waiting for Committed and SCS upcoming works, no matter the context or message that they bring.

Again, congratulations for all sing off contestants. May you'll have a bright future a head. Come to Aussie! (cause it's not going to be too beneficial for them to come to Indonesia. Not enough a cappella fans).

ps: found this fun video on YT XD